About Us

We started New Politics
to build a different type
of political organization

New Politics founder Emily Cherniak, a white woman in a blue dress with long hair, talking with three candidates in business casual attire at an event

New Politics started in 2014 in response to these two trends

What happens when the public loses trust in our politics, and our politics loses leadership that truly embodies service?

At New Politics, we’re not just pining for a different kind of politics—we're building it. From a single recruit in 2014 to over 475 campaigns and $35 million invested in the decade since, our movement of country-first changemakers is showing voters across the ideological spectrum what courageous leadership can accomplish.

Our mission? To inspire and empower a new generation of transformational leaders who prioritize American democracy.

Forged by service in the military and other mission-driven organizations, they are leaders not just in title, but in action. That’s why we recruit, train, advise, and champion them every step of the way. Because when they reach the halls of power – whether on school boards or in state houses, in city councils or Congress – New Politics leaders drive impact, achieve progress in the face of obstacles, and unite and elevate those around them.

That’s what we’re all about – realizing our vision of a new politics where before taking a vote or making a decision, every public servant asks the question: "What's best for the country?".

Where before taking a vote or making a decision, every public servant asks the question,

"What's best for the country?"

Our Team

Emily Cherniack

Founder & Executive Director

Tiffani Sykhammountry

Development Director

Alicia Washkevich

Chief Operating Officer


"While many around the country thought my race was unwinnable, New Politics was there from the beginning as a trusted partner, advisor, and advocate of public service candidates. 

It means so much to be part of the New Politics community and help build this movement with them."

U.S. Congresswoman
Mikie Sherrill

"New Politics proved to be indispensable in helping with a blockbuster launch and putting together a top-notch team.“

Candidate for U.S. Congress
Eugene Vindman

“Emily Cherniack has created a smash hit called New Politics.”

Advisor to Four Presidents
David Gergen

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