
Hear From Our Candidates, Academy Alumni & Partners

"This is my second time running for city council and first for District 1 under the new form of government I helped create as a commissioner. With the help of New Power, I can ensure that my campaign has what it needs to be viable. Alex remains an integral part of my team, helping to coach my campaign manager and navigating the process."

candidate for Portland City Council, District 1
Candace Avalos

"The Foundations course made running for office not only seem possible but, more importantly, empowering. I felt inspired to continue to pursue my passion for school policy by running for my local school board. I like to think Foundations helped me find my voice."

candidate for East Central ISD School Board, District 4, San Antonio, Texas
Sayda Mitchell-Morales

"Working with New Power has been incredibly empowering. Beginning a campaign can be daunting - New Power's early encouragement, support, and strategic advice helped me become the first minority woman to ever run for this seat and win."

delegate-elect for Virginia's 54th House District
Katrina Callsen

"We need servant leaders to answer the call more than ever. They've proven in their past profession that they are willing to step up and serve when times got tough. Well, now times are tough and we need people to step up once again and serve."

Representative WI-8 Congressional District
Mike Gallagher

"Local campaigns usually don't get the same level of attention and resources as congressional campaigns do, so having New Politics made a big difference with our campaign."

Former candidate for PA State House
Andre Carroll

“Emily Cherniack has created a smash hit called New Politics.”

Advisor to Four Presidents
David Gergen

"The New Politics Team was not only a key lever to winning this race; they also ensured our campaign had an exponential and positive influence on our community. Every interaction with New Politics was a learning experience grounded in service and integrity. We couldn't have done it without them."

West Valley, Mississippi School Boardmember-elect
Kathryn York

"As a young Black man who did not come from formal politics, I know how complicated it is to navigate this world. I also know how important it is for young people to run and represent their own neighborhoods. I am excited about the New Power Project because with mentorship and opportunity, we can do more than give voice to the voiceless - we can raise these voices to leadership positions."

Philadelphia City Council-member
Isaiah Thomas

"New Politics understands that winning an election is only one part of making our democracy more healthy. They're investing long-term in top-tier candidates at every level. New Politics is dedicated to recruiting, training, and mentoring the type of leaders who can restore faith and civility to our democracy."

Congressman, MA 4th District
Jake Auchincloss

"New Politics Leadership Academy is the only organization I've come across that focuses on preparing leaders to truly serve the public. NPLA's emphasis on the 'why' behind my mission has been invaluable for me as I've sought ways to continue serving my country through politics."

former candidate in VA-05 Republican primary
Dan Moy

"There's no other organization focused on recruiting and mentoring leaders who put people over politics, regardless of party. The work at New Politics has never been more critical."

NP Investor & Founder and Chairman, Unite & Renew
Harrison Miller

"New Politics proved to be indispensable in helping with a blockbuster launch and putting together a top-notch team.“

Candidate for U.S. Congress
Eugene Vindman

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