Endorsement: Jason Church for Congress

Earlier today, we endorsed Jason Church in his race for Wisconsin’s Seventh Congressional District. Jason was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army after four years in the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse’s ROTC. He was awarded the Purple Heart following a 2012 deployment to Afghanistan, where he sustained injuries that resulted in the loss of both of his legs below the knee. After medically retiring from the Army in 2014, he went on to earn an MA from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School. Jason has continued serving his country through the Sentinels of Freedom – a nonprofit that helps severely wounded post-9/11 veterans complete their higher education.

Here’s what Emily had to say about Jason: “Jason is a living embodiment of the service, sacrifice, and courageous servant leadership the people of Northern Wisconsin deserve. Jason knows precisely what it means to put country over self. We have no doubt he will lead with courage and integrity when he reaches Congress, and we are thrilled to endorse him in his race to get there.”

And Jason said, “My time in uniform taught me that no vision is too lofty when folks set aside their differences and unite together behind a common cause. I’m honored to have this endorsement from the New Politics team, and I look forward to joining them in our shared mission of restoring faith in our government.” 

Our endorsements include strategic advising and training in all aspects of a candidate’s campaign, such as fundraising, communications, organizing, hiring, and team building. In 2018, New Politics helped raise over $7M for their endorsed candidates.


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